Каним ви на семинар на проф. д-р Zdenka Mansfeldova на тема
Quality of governance – Czech Republic and Bulgaria in comparison
Семинарът ще се проведе на 24 април (петък) от 14.00 ч в Заседателната зала на ул. Сердика 4.
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Quality of governance – Czech Republic and Bulgaria in comparison
Zdenka Mansfeldova
The main aim of the lecture is to assess democracy in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria after the EU accession with special attention paid to successes/failures and to their possible structural causes. Comparison of the Czech Republic and Bulgaria is very interesting because both are countries that after joining the EU faced many problems (corruption, clientelism, the decline of public confidence in the institutions. While in the Czech Republic the influence of the European Union after the entry has significantly weakened, in the case of Bulgaria pressure remains even after the entry of relatively strong and regular monitoring continues. Using international, comparative and theoretically anchored evaluation criteria (BTI index, SGI index SGI) the current state of the rule of law and good governance in both countries will be analyzed. The analysis will be set in the context of developments in the „new democracies „.