Education and Work: (Un-) equal Transitions with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe

март 11, 2015

Call for Papers
Education and Work: (Un-) equal Transitions
with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe
Conference organized by
the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge
and the University of Basel
Thursday-Friday, 24-25 September 2015
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Irena Kogan


The conference aims to bring together scholars working on the outlined issues in education and labour markets, including researchers investigating the role of inequalities based on gender,
social background, ethnicity and place of residence (e.g. urban vs. rural regions) in these transitions. The conference focuses on the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries but papers on other countries are welcome too. Educational transitions and school-to-work transitions in the CEE countries have not been systematically analyzed, yet such research is of key relevance. In particular, the role of the education system is considered increasingly important
in structuring school-to-work transitions with the consolidation of the labour markets. Recent comparative studies of school-to-work transitions in CEE countries highlight the efficiency of
vocational education and training for labour market entry. While previous research on Western Europe has emphasized firm-based vocational training as key for promoting smooth school-towork
transitions, research on CEE countries – where school-based vocational education and training proves similarly efficient – calls these institutional explanations into doubt. Hence, there
are lessons to be learned from CEE countries for international transition research.
The conference seeks contributions on the following three topics:

  • Educational Transitions
  • School-to-work Transitions
  • Labour Market Inequalities and Policy Responses

E-mail for the submission: ">
Last date for submission of abstracts – 31st of March 2015
Abstracts should be about 1000 words in length and written in English
Notification of acceptance of paper – 15th of May 2015

The Conference Committee looks forward to receiving your submissions.
Rumiana Stoilova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Christian Imdorf, University of Basel, Switzerland
Pepka Boyadjieva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Franziska Bieri, University of Basel, Switzerland
Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Lachezar Nyagolov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Elitsa Dimitrova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria


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