CEECAW sygnet black RGB ii


May 27, 2024

The aim of the project “Challenges for Organising and Collective Bargaining in Care, Administration and Waste Management sectors in Central Eastern European Countries” (CEECAW) is to develop collective bargaining (CB) in three sectors in the EU Central Eastern European countries (CEEC) and Serbia (an EU candidate country). The project aims to support trade unions (at sectoral and national levels) in implementing the goals indicated in Article 4 of the Adequate Minimum Wage Directive in EU Directive. The project includes a research part – an analysis of the state of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the indicated sectors, and an analysis of the expectations and needs of national trade unions about the implementation of Article 4 (CB development) in CEEC.


The IPS team , led by Prof. Vassil Kirov, will take part in the research work in Bulgaria and in a comparative perspective.


Prof. D.Sc. Prof. Vasil Kirov – Head of the Bulgarian project team

For more information, please click here.


Infrastructures for the next generation in Europe. The four-year project will refocus and adapt existing research services to support the five themes of the NextGenerationEU programme.


Network of Eurofound Correspondents – Bulgaria
(Contract NO.: 22-3030-03; Project NO.: 211001)


The BroadVoice project aims to explore the role of workers’ representatives and industrial relations (collective bargaining, co-determination, consultation) in the promotion, regulation and implementation of innovations.