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Participation of a Scientist From IPS-BAS in a Book From a Prestigious International Publisher School-to-Work Transition in a Comparative Perspective

April 11, 2024

In late 2023, the book School-To-Work Transition in a Comparative Perspective was published in open access by the prestigious international publisher Edward Elgar.

This book is based on the collaboration of scientists from IFS-BAS with researchers from renowned scientific organizations and universities from various European countries during the successful implementation of the project ‘NEGOTIATE – Overcoming early job insecurity in Europe’, financed under the Horizon 2020 program. The monograph is under the scientific edited by researchers from the Poznań University of Economics: Dominik Butler, PhD, Piotr Michon, PhD, and Micaj Lavranovic, PhD.

The book’s main point of departure is the notion of school-to-work transition, which has become a central conceptual framework in studies of young people’s entry into the labor market. The book captures the complex nature of the school-to-work transition process by proposing and evaluating a new set of indicators that can act as indicators of early employment security. Case studies are then analyzed in the form of biographies of people who have experienced difficult transitions to outline potential lessons from these experiences. Through a detailed multidisciplinary study, the book provides a comparative assessment of the transition period from education to the labor market in different countries, bringing new aspects to the complex and dynamic nature of this process. It examines what transition patterns are present in post-socialist countries, with a special focus on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Assoc. Dr. Veneta Krasteva contributed to this part of the analysis, who independently developed a chapter entitled: School-to-work transition in Bulgaria: smooth for some, precarious for many and co-authored a second chapter: How the interactions with employment services and other institutions affect school to work transitions of young people?

The book is freely available here: School-to-Work Transition in Comparative Perspective | Elgar Online: The online content platform for Edward Elgar Publishing