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Research team
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Jeliazkova (team leader), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veneta Krasteva (project coordinator); Prof. DSc Duhomir Minev; Assistant Professor Dr. Jana Tsoneva; Dr. Nikolay Yanev.

The „just green transition“ poses serious challenges for all EU member-states, incl. and because it relies more on available political experience than on a clear vision of the fairness of the transition, criteria for monitoring and evaluating justice, and concrete policies and programs to achieve it.

For Bulgaria, these challenges are even more for a number of other reasons: the state of the energy sector; the specifics of policy making in this sector; high levels of poverty and social exclusion; the demographic crisis; the limited possibilities of social policy to mitigate negative social effects during the transition, etc. At the same time, there is a high probability that the problem of maintaining justice in the implementation of the green transition will be underestimated and a conflict will easily arise between the “green” and social goals (justice) of the transition.

Therefore, research into the possibilities for a ‘just’ green transition is a contribution to tackling a serious societal challenge. By public capacity, we mean the ability, potential to formulate and implement adequate pro-development policies The main aim of the project is to contribute to tackling the complex task of achieving a “just green transition”.

Approach in implementing this targeted fundamental research:

The first stage is the development of meta-analyses regarding a) Models of public policies’ decision-making processes; b) Concepts of energy justice; c) Concepts of energy poverty, incl. assessments of the social impact of the various definitions.

The second stage is based on sociological tools (focus groups, in-depth interviews, representative research) to identify the current Bulgarian model of policy making in the field of energy and to assess attitudes towards possible means for a fair transition.

The third stage includes comparing the identified Bulgarian model of policy making with models that are most favourable for achieving a just green transition, incl. through civic panels.

Expected results:

  • Identification of models for the formation of socially effective, pro-developmental policies;
  • Elaboration of a concept for justice of the green transition, incl. operationalization and criteria for monitoring and evaluation;
  • Outlining different definitions of energy poverty and assessments of their social effectiveness;
  • Development of different scenarios for the implementation of the green transition in Bulgaria.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. М. Jeliazkova:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Krasteva:
Project website: Green Transition: About the Project (


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