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Department of Social Theories, Strategies and Prognoses is the only research unit within the system of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with a clear orientation to future studies in its activities, and with the expertise to offer prognostic analyses. The Department focuses its efforts on grasping the general characteristics of contemporary societies, their dynamics and evolution; on elaborating normative and exploratory prognoses, and risk analyses; and on examining the perspectives revealed by digital technologies, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology.

The researchers work on topical problems for Bulgaria, Europe and the world, that are generated by new ideas, technologies, socio-economic, environmental, geopolitical, ethno-religious and cultural challenges.

The unit conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies in the following research areas:

  • Social Philosophy
  • Political Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies
  • Geopolitics and Security Studies
  • Media, Culture and Education
  • Philosophy of Economics and Law

An adjunct Problem group on Religion and Security (philosophy of religion and social transformations) functions within the Department and is being led by Prof. Bogdana Todorova, DSc. In the last few years, the work of the group has been devoted to traditional religions (various Christian denominations and Islam) in Europe, the Black Sea region and Central Asia; to the role and participation of religions in social transformations; and to the future of religion.

The researchers from the Department are high level experts, recognized both at home and abroad, which is evident in their various publications, specializations, participation in prestigious international fora, research projects, and membership in national and international research networks (MILEMIUM PROJECT, Network of Excellence: Religion on the Balkans).

The members of the unit have long lasting experience with teaching in higher education institutions as well (UNWE, NATFA, SU, NBU, NMU).

The department offers competitive PhD programs in the domain of Philosophy and more concretely, in two main research tracks: 1/ Philosophy of Culture, Politics, Law and Economics; and 2/ Philosophy of History. Both programs are taught in accordance with approved curricula within the Centre of Education at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


Latest News

On May 15, 2023, in the Central Military Club, in Sofia, a conference was held, organized by the Section “Social Theories, Strategies and Forecasts” (IPS-BAS), together with the Confederation of Public Security and Defense Organizations, the Balkan Institute for Strategic Forecasts and risk management, Institute of Economics and International Affairs. Attention was paid to the growth of the military-political component in the relations between the states, which also places completely new demands on their military doctrines. Japanese defense doctrine and the creation of the new anti-Chinese alliance AUKUS were discussed. The strategies of the EU, NATO, USA, Japan, Russia, India and China were examined. What are the strategic goals and tactics of the hybrid war (cyber attacks, disinformation, subversion, covert operations, etc.? What should be the emphasis in the new military doctrines of the European countries and Bulgaria, and do they have the resources to build a reliable defense system were among the topics debated.





Prestigious participation of Associate Professor Dr. Mariana Todorova, with a lecture delivered on April 22, 2023 at the Third Annual Stanford University Conference on Risks and Artificial Intelligence (3rd Annual Stanford Existential Risks).


On April 24, 2023, the “Social Theories, Strategies and Forecasts” Section, the Balkan Institute for Strategic Forecasting and Risk Management and the “Communications and Culture” Foundation organized the fourth national conference on media security on the topic: “Media and war (journalistic standards and responsibilities when covering crises and military conflicts)’. More information is available here and here.



2021-2023. ”Rethinking Bulgarian Education for the 21st Century”. PI: Assoc. Prof. Hristina Ambareva, PhD.

2019-2022.”Civilizational Challenges Facing Bulgaria and the European Union (Conflicts, Risks and Transformations). PI: Prof. Borislav Gradinarov, DSc.

2018-2021. “Current and Future Perspectives of the Social-humanitarian, Scientific and Cultural Relations between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria”. An international project in the framework of bilateral cooperation between BAS and Azerbaijan. PI: Prof. Bogdana Todorova, DSc (ЕBR).

2016-2018. “Democratization, Religious Identity and Fundamentalism in Romania and Bulgaria”. An international project in the framework of bilateral cooperation between BAS and Romania. PI: Assoc. Prof. Bogdana Todorova, DSc

2016-2017. “The Balkans and the Migrant Crisis in the Context of the Transformation of the European Border Control”. A project within a Program supporting early career researchers. Participants: Assoc. Prof. Borislav Gradinarov (supervisor) and Assis. Prof. Blagovesta Nikolova (early career researcher).

2015-2018. “Bulgaria in the European Union – Conclusions, Conflicts, Risks and Perspectives”. Internal collective research project. PI: Assoc. Prof. Borislav Gradinarov.

2015-2017. “Culture and Values in Late Modernity“. An international project in the framework of bilateral cooperation between BAS and Romania. PI: Assoc. Prof. Bogdana Todorova, DSc.


Head of Department
Deputy Dirctor
Deputy chair
Full-time PhD student
Full-time PhD student