administrative position:President of the General Assembly

Mixed methods of data collection; applied and public sociology; sociology of the family; sociology of population; refugee studies; human trafficking; ethnosociology with a focus on the Roma and stateless minorities.

Dimitrova, R. Pamporov, A. (2022) A Longitudinal Study of the Applicability and Admissibility of the Pilot Project “A Healthy Baby, a Healthy Future”. Sofia: Social Alternative Trust [A. Димитрова, Р., Пампоров, А. (2022). Лонгитюдно проучване на приложимостта и приемливостта на пилотния проект „Здраво бебе – здраво бъдеще“. София: Тръст за социална алтернатива.]
Dobrudzhalieva, A. Pamporov, A. (2022) Living Conditions in Neighborhoods of Concentrated Poverty: Policies for Improving Them. Sofia: Habitat Bulgaria [Добруджалиева, А., Пампоров, А. (2022). Жилищни условия в квартали с концентрация на бедност и политики за тяхното подобряване. София: Хабитат България.]
Kolev, D., Pamporov, A., Petrova, S., Iliev, G., Krumova, T. (2021). The new National strategy for the equality inclusion and participation of Roma. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Kolev, D., Pamporov, A., Krumova, T. (2021). Implementation of the National Roma integration strategy. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Pamporov, A., Iliev, G. (2022). “Relevance”. In: Civil society monitoring report on the quality of the national strategic framework for Roma equality, inclusion, and participation in Bulgaria, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Pamporov, A. Iliev, G. (2020). “Social prejudices and hate speech towards Roma”, in: Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Bulgaria, vol. 3, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union