Elitza Stanoeva holds PhD in History (TU Berlin, 2013); MA in history (Central European University) and philosophy (Sofia University). She has been Visiting Fellow in Berlin, Leipzig, Konstanz, Potsdam, Vienna and Florence as well as the Center for Advanced Study in Sofia. In 2017-2020, she was at the European University Institute in Florence as Research Associate in the ERC project “Looking West: The European Socialist Regimes Facing Pan-European Cooperation and the European Community”. She taught Urban History within the MA Program in Urban Studies (Sofia University, Department of Sociology). In 2004-2022, she was member of the Editorial Board of Critique & Humanism journal and co-editor of four issues, among them: “Youth, Civic Action and Protest” (46, 2/2016) and “The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics” (42, 1-2/2013, in Bulgarian). She is author of the book Sofia: Ideology, Urban Planning and Life under Socialism (in Bulgarian).

state socialism; history of urbanism and architecture; urban studies; memory politics; international tourism during the Cold War

Elitza Stanoeva, “Balancing between Socialist Internationalism and Economic Internationalization: Bulgaria’s Economic Contacts with the EEC”, in Angela Romano and Federico Romero (eds.), European Socialist Regimes’ Fateful Engagement with the West: National Strategies in the long 1970s, pp. 159-89. London: Routledge, 2021 (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429340703/chapters/10.4324/9780429340703-8)

Elitza Stanoeva, “Squeezed between External Trade Barriers and Internal Economic Problems:  Bulgaria’s Trade with Denmark in the 1970s”, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire 27:3 (2020): 390-411, DOI: 10.1080/13507486.2019.1663796

Elitza Stanoeva, “Exporting Holidays: Bulgarian International Tourism and the Scandinavian Market in the 1960s and 1970s”, in Sune Bechmann Pedersen and Christian Noack (eds.), Tourism and Travel during the Cold War: Negotiating Tourist Experiences across the Iron Curtain, pp. 23-46. London: Routledge, 2019.

Elitza Stanoeva, “Ideology and Urbanism in a Flux: Making Sofia Socialist in the Stalinist Period and Beyond”, Southeastern Europe 41:2/2017: 112-40, DOI: 10.1163/18763332-04102002

Елица Станоева, София: идеология, градоустройство и живот през социализма. София: Просвета, 2016