Gabriela Yordanova is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at BAS (IPS-BAS). She has a PhD in Sociology. Gabriela Yordanova is a member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB) and the Bulgarian Sociological Association (BSA). Her research interests are: time management and teleworking (virtual and distant work), platform work; work-life balance; methods and methodology of empirical research, statistical analysis; industrial relations, social dialogue; ageing and demographic change, lifelong learning.
Gabriela is a country team operator of the international project SHARE – Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe ( She is also a coordinator of the activities at IPS-BAS of the SHARE-ERIC Bulgaria project (, funded by Ministry of Education and Science – Bulgaria within the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (2020-2027). Gabriela Yordanova is a member of the Bulgarian correspondent for Eurofound in Dublin (
She lectures at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski.