Iva Manova is an associate professor in the Social Theories, Strategies and Prognoses Department at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS. Her research interests are in the field of history of philosophy, history of philosophical historiography, Catholic social doctrine, polemical theology and interreligious dialogue.

History of philosophy; history of philosophical historiography; Catholic philosophy and culture; social teaching of the Catholic Church

Christophorus Peichich’s Interconfessional Polemics during Early Seventeenth Century Religious and Political Change in Central Europe. – In: Lyutskanov, Y., B. Kalnačs, G. Shurgaia (eds).
Heteroeuropeanisations: (In)capacity to Stay Marginal, ISBN 978-88-6719-183-3, Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Dipartimento Asia Africa e Mediterraneo – UniorPress, 2021 (Series Minor, no. XCII), pp. 65-90.
Challenges Posed by Emergency Distance Learning and the Forthcoming School Reform in Italy. – In: Nesković, S., B. Todorova (eds). Philosophy Nowadays: Reflections on Education and the
Digital Transformation of Knowledge. Thematic Papers (CESNA B Proceedings, Book 36), ISBN 978-86-85985-49-2, ISBN 978-954-8765-15-2, Sofia: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Department of Social Theories, Strategies and Prognoses, BAS – Center for Strategic Researching and National Security CESNA B Belgrade, 2021, pp. 43-47.
Teodor Oizerman (1914–2017). – In: Filosofia: An Encyclopedia of Russian Thought, ed. by A. DeBlasio, M. Epstein: http://filosofia.dickinson.edu/encyclopedia/oizerman-tedor/ [Published: October 2020].
Usare l’ironia per fare storia della filosofia: la lezione di Aleksej Losev, “Rivista di storia della filosofia”, ISSN 0393-2516, 3/75 (2020), pp. 529-544.
Krsto Pejkić, Christophorus Peichich Bulgarus. – In Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History. Vol. 14: Central and Eastern Europe (1700-1800), ed. by D. Thomas, Jh. Chesworth, ISBN 978-90-04-42317-6, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020, pp. 290-297.

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