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Social attitudes - behavior, public perception of science, lifelong learning, social identity, social stereotypes, the image of science and the scientist

Petkova, K. (2021). Explorations in Reported Moral Behaviors, Values, and Moral Emotions in Four Countries Front. Psychol., 30 April 2021, (in collaboration).
Petkova, K. (2018). “Value Priorities, Empathy and Guilt in Finland, Bulgaria and Portugal”. In: Helkama, K. (ed.) Values, knowledge and morality Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 98 Helsinki: Helsinki University Printing House, pp. 31-44 (in collaboration).
Petkova, K. (2018). “Real-life Dilemmas in Finland and Bulgaria”. In: Helkama, K. (ed.) Values, knowledge and morality. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 98 (2018). Helsinki: Helsinki University PrintinHouse, pp. 45-47. ISSN 2343-273x (printed), ISSN 2343-2748 (PDF (in collaboration)
Petkova, K. (2018). “Socialization context and life orientation of youth”. In: Szafraniec, K. et al. (Eds.). The Me-generation in a postcollectivist space. Dilemmas in a time of transition. Berlin: Peter Lang, рр. 75–109. (in collaboration)