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Kristiyan Enchev was born in 1968 in Sofia. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the BAS. He has interests in the field of transcendental metaphysics, hermeneutics, ontology, literary theory, semiotics. Author of scientific articles and studies in our and international periodicals, as well as three monographic studies: “From intentionality to intentionality. The Logical Path of Virtualistic Transcendentalism” (first edition – 2009; second, revised and supplemented edition – 2019); “Logic and Social Critical Ontologies” (2010), “Potentiality and Figure (2023).


transcendental logics, intensional logics, hermeneutics, ontology, critical metaphysics

Enchev, Ch. 2016. “The Routes of Critical Metaphysics: Valentin Kanawrow’s Contribution”. Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, XXI, 2, Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía. Sección de Filosofía de la Universidad de Málaga, ISSN 1136–4076, pp. 163-169.
Еnchev, Ch. 2008. “Modality, Schematizing Premonition and Devirtualization”. In: I. Raynova, V. Petrov (eds.), Being and Knowledge in Postmetaphysical Context. IAF, Wien, ISBN 978-3-902295-06-4, pp. 332-338.
Енчев, К. 2004. “Херменевтично” изяснение на възможността за некласическа трансцендентална логика. В: Пътища на философията в съвременния свят. BPC&IAF, Sofia, Wien, ISBN 3-902295-03-1, сс.167-181.
Enchev, Ch. 2008. “Religious Certainty and the Quest for Security: A Philosophical/Theological View”. In: Petrov, V. (ed.), The Philosophy of Security in an Insecure World. Proceedings of XXV Varna International Philosophical School – June, 1st – 3rd 2008. IPhR – BAS, Sofia, 2010, ISBN 978-954-92549-2-1, pp. 348-354.
Enchev, Ch. 2007. “Historical and Socio-Cultural Presuppositions of the Investigations on Intensional Logics”. In: Kaneva, S. (ed.), Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures. Proceedings of XXIV Varna International Philosophical School 01-03 June 2006. Sofia, IPhR-BAS, ISBN 978-954-91351-8-3, pp. 397-402.

Head of a project at the Scientific Research Fund on the topic: “Analysis and philosophical understanding of the role of the Beron family for the spiritual development of Bulgaria and its integration into world culture” under the contract with the Scientific Research Fund, No. ДН15/13 of 18.12.2017, additional agreement No. 2 / 14.04.2022 Manager in the period 14.04.2022 – 11.11.2022
Participant in a project with an award in the „Competition For Financial Support for Research Projects – 2017”, scientific field “Social sciences”. Project title: “Non-classical science and non-classical logic, philosophical-methodological analyzes and evaluations”. Total cost – BGN 88070.00. Project code – H 15/33 from 27.07.2017. Project manager: Prof. DSc Angel Stefanov Stefanov, Corresponding Member of BAS.
Participant in a project with an award in the „Competition For Financial Support for Research Projects – 2017”, scientific field “Social sciences”. Project title: “Analysis and Philosophical Understanding of the Role of the Beron Kinsfolk for the Spiritual Development of Bulgaria and its Integration into the World Culture”. Total cost – BGN 93800.00. Project code – H 15/34 from 27.07.2017. Project Manager: Prof. DSc Martin Mateev Tabakov.
Participant in a project with an award in the “Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals – 2016” for the annual 2017 year edition of the “Philosophical Alternatives” journal, ed. ISSK-BAS, at a total value of BGN 6258.00. Project code – HП 04/14. Project Manager: Prof. DSc Martin Mateev Tabakov.