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Lyuboslava Kostova, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her research interests are focused on bioethics, feminist bioethics, medical anthropology and new technologies. She is the author of more than 25 scholarly publications, some of which are: ‘Gender, care and citizenship: margins of absence.’ In: Stavru, S and Karamelska, T. Aspects of Care: between Personal Experience, Social Regulations and Health Activism, Seminar BG, Sofia, Media Democracy, pp. 181–195, 2021, ‘Is There a Moral Reproductive Behaviour in the Context of Prenatal Diagnosis and Care?’ In: Heading Towards Humans Again: Aspects of Bioethics in the New Age of Science, Vol. 4, (published on-line: 2021.


bioethics, reproductive ethics, gende studies

Kostova, L.(2021) “Is There a Moral Reproductive Behaviour in the Context of Prenatal Diagnosis and Care?” In Heading Towards Humans Again: Aspects of Bioethics in the New Age of Science, ISBN 978-615-81821-1-9 , eISBN 978-615-81821-2-6, DOI 10.22618/TP.AEBIO.20214, trivent,
2.Kostova, L. (2018) Genetic information as a new kind of property, Challenging the law, professional law site, available from
3.Kostova, L. (2018) The concept of “child at risk” between inequality and imagination, In: Moral and ethics of in/equality in contemporary Bulgarian society (pp 130-137), Sofia, Solidary society foundation.

Ethics and future