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Sociology of medicine and health; childhood studies; parenthood studies.

Martionva, M. (2019). Dreams and Aspirations. What a questionnaire tells us about the students’ sense of futurity. Sociological Problems, vol. 51, №2.;
Hristov, Т. & Martinova, М. (2022). Time and Subjectivity in the Autobiographical Stories of Members of the Alcoholics Anonymous Self-Help Groups. In: Dimitrova, V., Martinova, М. & Nakov, V. (Comps.). Social Aspects of Mental Health and Mental Disorders. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 109-133.
Dimitrova, V., Zahariev, B., Martinova, M. (2022). Attitudes towards people with mental disorders in Bulgaria. International Journal for Social Psychiatry.