Prof. Dr. Stoyan Stavru is a lawyer and philosopher. He is a professor of “Bioethics and Biolaw” (the first in Bulgaria) and “Medical Law” at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” He is the founder of the scientific electronic journal and interdisciplinary community “Challenge the Law!” and a co-founder and chief editor of the expert legal system LEXEBRA.


bioethics, biolaw, property, ecology, technology

Stavru, St. Moral dimensions of property in ecological context (towards a justification of a “proprietary” ecology), Sofia, BAS Publishing House “prof. Marin Drinov”, 2021, p. 488, ISBN 978-619-245-134-9;
Stavru, St. Compensation for non-material (moral) damages in Bulgaria in the context of the mandatory “civil liability” insurance of motorists”, Sofia, Siela, 2020, p. 448, ISBN 978-954-28-3216-4;
Stavru, St. “Internet of Morals”: Things, Networks, and Beliefs. // Ethical studies, 2022, Year VI, issue 7, vol. 2, ISSN: 2534-8434, pp. 126-14

Ethics and future