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Svetlana Hristova-Vladi has been a Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (BAS) since 2011. Hristova-Vladi is also interested in Public Relations and Comms through having professional experience as a PR of the externally-donoured programs at the Ministry of Health (Bulgaria) and in international development organizations. Svetlana graduated Journalism from Sofia University (in 1998) and MA in Sociology from Central European University (in 2000).

Her academic interests encompass local holidays and festivals; media studies; community broadcasts; gender-sensitive and gender-responsive journalism; Roma ethnicity and identity; educational inequalities; profiles of groups and communities at the risk of discrimination; vulnerability analysis.


local holidays and festivals; media studies; Roma - ethnicity and identity; educational inequalities; discrimination and vulnerability

Hristova-Vladi, Svetlana D. (2023) Roses, tomato chutney and rising sun: On visibility of three festivals in Bulgaria. Anthropological Researches and Studies 13, 2023. Available at:

Христова-Влади, Светлана Д. (2022) Теоретични аспекти относно ромите във висшето образование: идентичност, образователна устойчивост, антиромска дискриминация, заетост. В: Борислав Градинаров (съставител) Новите предизвикателства пред Европейския съюз и България (pp.113-132). София: Балкански институт за стратегически прогнози и управление на риска

Hristova, Svetlana D. (2020) From nutritious banks for the poor to top ten meals against love pain: Food in Bulgarian media as an entertaining zone. In Marinescu, Valentina (Ed.). Food, Nutrition and the Media (pp.111-127). Palgrave Macmillan.

Hristova, Svetlana D. and Milenkova, Valentina (2021) Self-perceptions of the risk of discrimination and social exclusion: Assessing the six-year aftermath of the national strategy for Roma integration in Bulgaria. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29 (1), 45-59, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2020.1767545

Current research project “Local Festivals: A Resource of Local Communities for Coping with Crises”, funded by the National Scientific Fund of Bulgaria – Ministry of Education (KP-06-H45 / 5 of 30.11.2020).