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administrative position:Deputy Director
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13.30 – 15.00 ч.

Sociology of labor and organizations, labor relations and digitalization, Europeanization

Kornelakis, A., Kirov, V., Thill, P. (2022). The digitalisation of service work: A comparative study of restructuring of the banking sector in the United Kingdom and Luxembourg. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 28 (3): 253-272, First Published January 18, 2022,
Kirov, V., Malamin, B. (2022). Are Translators Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?. Societies, 12, 70,
Kirov, V. (2022) Digital Transformatin and the Future of Labor. Global Trends. Local Consequences. Sofia, University Publishing House St. Kliment Ohridsky [Киров, В. (2022). Дигиталната трансформация и бъдещето на труда. Глобални тенденции. Локални последствия. София, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“], (
Focacci, C., Kirov, V. (2021). Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Technological Transformation, Digitalisation and the Longer Term. The Automotive and ICT Sectors in the UK and Bulgaria. Local Economy. Published online first on 25 June 2021