
The realization of long-term priorities through the work of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IPS), as determined by the approved strategic goals of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and its functional priorities, with a view to supporting the development of Bulgarian society, science and education, and the country as a member of the EU, is the sustainable development of the IPS through:

Affirmation of its place and role in the national scientific system and the European research space.

Maintenance of a creative and innovative research environment and the fullest utilization of the potential of all IPS employees and staff.

Advancement of scientific potential and attracting new scientific personnel with a view to the unit’s future development and preventing brain drain from Bulgarian science.

Implementation of a flexible structural model via project-based research groups, created at the initiative of leading researchers on topics or research projects.

Increasing revenues through active participation in national scientific programmes as well as EU frameworks and other international organizations’ programmes

Updating scientific themes and adapting them to the priorities of national scientific and innovation policy, aiming at the unit’s participation in the European research space.

Active international cooperation within the EU and with the countries of Southeastern Europe; participation in scientific networks and research consortia.

Development of scientific infrastructure, communications, information services, and scientific management.