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Румяна Желева е доцент по социология и изследовател в Института по философия и социология към Българската академия на науките. Тя има докторска степен по социология от университета в Магдебург, Германия; магистърски степени по социология и по педагогика от Софийския университет, и е специализации в областта на международните отношения и устойчивото развитие. Ръководител на проекта „Европейската външна политика пред нови предизвикателства и перспективи: (Договор № КП-06-КОСТ/3), финансиран от Националния фонд „Научни изследвания“ към Министерството на образованието и науката и изпълняван от екип от Института по философия и социология при БАН (ИФСГ-БАН). От години и понастоящем участва като ръководител на екип или изследовател в множество европейски проекти в областта на социологията на труда, организационната социология и европейските изследвания.

Социология на труда и трудови пазари;Устойчиво развитие, Human development and quality of life;Регионално развитие;Социални неравенства;Европейски изследвания.

Румяна Желева. 2022. “Прозрачни икономики – устойчиви общества“. Академични издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов“. ISBN 978-619-245-205-6
Rumiana Jeleva, 2022. EU Enlargement and its impact on European integration. In: “Well being in the Balkans in a Europеan perspective”. Sociological Problems. Issue 1/ Vol 54. ISSN: 0324-1572. pp:112-124
Rumiana Jeleva 2022. Information Technology Sustainability Reporting and Company Performance. In: Kirov, V. & B. Malamin (Editors) “Inclusive Futures for Europe: Addressing the Digitalisation Challenges”: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. ISBN: 9786192452537. Pp: 139-153.
Rumiana Jeleva. 2021. Studying Regions and “the Regional”. In: Jeleva (2021/Ed.) “Regions and “the Regional” in a sociological perspective”. Prof. Marin Drinov Publisher of BAS, ISBN:978-619-245-106-6, pp.7-15
Rumiana Jeleva. 2021. Governance of Labour Market Relevance of Higher Education in the Danube Region: Selected Practices. In: Jeleva (2021/Ed.) “Regions and “the Regional” in a sociological perspective”.. Prof. Marin Drinov Publisher of BAS, ISBN:978-619-245-106-6, pp.36-55

“Digital divide and social inequalities: levels, actors and interactions”. IPS-BAS (Department “Stratification, social inequalities, mobility”), Project number КП-06-2155б16 (2021-2024), Researcher.
“European Foreign Policy through the eyes of young people”, IPS-BAS, Project number КП-06-КОСТ/3 (2020-2023). Project Manager.
“Carrying out a study on the collection of updated indicators for monitoring and evaluation of the National Strategy for an active life of older people in Bulgaria (2019 – 2030)”, IPS-BAS on behalf of the Ministry of Labour, Project number РД 23-81/ 10/19/2021 (2021-2022), Senior Social Scientist.
“Development of analyses and concepts on demographic processes and demographic development”, Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy (BILSP) & Institute for Sociology and Philosophy on behalf of the Ministry of Labour, Project number АЖВХ (2021-2022), Regional Development expert.
“Ex-post impact assessment of the current legislation in the field of social assistance”, under an implementation contract between ASA and BAS, (2020), Sociologist-researcher.
“Ex-post impact assessment of current legislation in the field of social protection and support” under an implementation contract between the FSZ and the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy, (2020), Sociologist-researcher.
“Support for increasing the adaptability of employees and enterprises to changing economic conditions” – BG05M90P001-1-051-0007 – Chief Scientific Coordinator (February 2020 – July 2022)
TALENT: Establishing Master Programmes in Human Resource Management and Talent Development in Central Asia. Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. Coordinated by VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL. National team leader. Member of the Managing Committee. (2018-2022).
COST Action CA17119 ENTER: EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities: Perceptions, Contestation, Communication and Relations. Member of the Management Board from Bulgaria. (2018-2022).
EDU-LAB: New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education. Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. International Consortium led by the European Foundation for Education, Stuttgart, Germany. National team leader. Member of the Managing Committee. (2017-2019).
Development and Integration in South Eastern Europe: Progress Achieved and Contemporary Challenges. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), National team leader. (2018-2020).