International workshop “Whitehead after Process and Reality” оn the 19th of June 2013

юни 13, 2013

The Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Liege, Belgium organize an international workshop Whitehead after Process and Reality


19th of June 2013 (Wednesday) at 14 p.m.

the conference room on “Serdika” street, No 4, II floor

Programme of the workshop:

14:00 – 14:45 Vesselin Petrov (ISSK-BAS). Whitehead in „Adventures of Ideas“.
15:00 – 15:45 Rosen Lutskanov (ISSK-BAS). Whitehead’s conception of the nature of mathematics in „Mathematics and the Good“.
16:00 – 16:45 Emeline Deroo (University of Liege, Belgium). Reading Whitehead’s „Modes of Thought“.
17:00 – 17:30 General discussion.

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Секция „Философия на науката“ с удоволствие Ви кани на публична лекция на чл.-кор. проф. Ангел Стефанов, на 04 декември 2024 г. (сряда) в Зала “Акад. Иван Гешов” в Централната сграда на БАН от 11:00 часа.