Religion, beliefs, worldview

The Religion, Beliefs, Worldview department is the only secular department of religious philosophy, philosophy of religion in our country; history, psychology and sociology of religion; logic, metaphysics, science and methodology in the study of worldview, religion and values.

Doctoral programs: Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies.

Religious Identity and Worldview – State and Prospects for Man in European Civilization in the 21st Century. Head Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. 2018 – 2021.
Tradition and Innovation in Religions and Worldview in the 21st Century – a Philosophical Analysis. Head Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. April 2022 – May 2025.

Project participants:
Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov: Dialectical logic – methodology and system in the study of world religions and philosophical concepts about God, the world and man.

  1. Ch. Asst. Dr. Sevdelina Nikolova, PhD: East and West in psychoanalysis.
  2. Ch. Asst. Dr. Sergej Metodiev: Dialectic-tradition-innovation in 21st century Christianity.
  3. Ch. Asst. Dr. Miroslav Bachev, Ph.D.: The problem of religious pluralism: Between the philosophy of religion and comparative religious studies.
  4. Ch. Asst. Dr. Lyudmil Petrov: The Christian tradition in the post-Christian world – problems and perspectives.
  5. Ch. Asst. Prof. Dr. Tsvetelin Angelov: The speculative concept of religion in the philosophy of G.V.F. Hegel and Kant’s Idea of the Religion of Reason and the Transcendental Ideal.
  6. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Mihailov: Naturalism and religion: moral challenges to the religious worldview today.
  7. Dr. Yusuf Salih Yusuf: Islamic Philosophy and Science.


Published monographic collections from 2018 to 2022

Traditional religious worldviews and the values of the XXI century. Compiled by Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. IR PROPELLER. Sofia 2018. 412 pp. Editorial Board: Prof. Alexander Gangov, Ch. assistant Lyubomir Petrov; Ch. Assistant Dr. Sevdelina Nikolova; Ch. Assistant Dr. Sergey Metodiev. ISBN: 978-954-392-474-5.

Religious identity and worldview, v. 1 – man in European civilization XXI century. IR PROPELLER. Sofia 2019. 420 pages. Compiled by Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. Editorial board: chap. Sevdelina Nikolova, assistant professor, Ph.D. assistant Lyudmil Petrov; Ch. Assistant Professor Sergey Metodiev, reviewers: Prof. Antonii Khubanchev and Prof. N. Mihailov. ISBN – 978-954-392-576-6

Religious Identity and Worldview, v. 2. IC PROPELLER. Sofia 2020. Compiled by Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. Editorial Board: Ch. Asst. Sevdelina Nikolova, ch. assistant Ludmil Petrov, ch. Assistant Professor Sergey Metodiev.

Religious Identity and Worldview, v. 3: Hegel’s philosophy and religion – 250 years G. Hegel. Sofia 2021. IC. PROPELLER. 480 pages. Scientific editor Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. Editors: Ch. Asst. Dr. Sevdelina Nikolova; Ch. Asst. Dr. Tsvetelin Angelov and Ch. Asst. Dr. Miroslav Bachev. ISBN – 978-954-392-643-5.

Hegel’s Philosophical System and the Philosophy of Religion – 250 Years Since the Birth and 190 Years Since the Death of G. v. Fr. Hegel. Sofia 2022. – IR PROPELLER; 544 pages – Scientific editor Prof. DSc. Stefan Penov. Editors: Ch. Asst. Sevdelina Nikolova, Ch. Asst. Dr. Tsvetelin Angelov and Ch. Asst. Dr. Miroslav Bachev. Reviewers Prof. Dr. Antonii Khubanchev, Prof. DSc. Plamen Makariev. ISBN – 978-954-392-643


Acting Head of Section
External contributors to the department