The Knowledge Society: Science, Education and Innovation department brings together the intellectual potential and scientific traditions of the Knowledge Society department from the Institute of Sociology and the Science and Innovation Policy and Science Potential and Scientometrics department s from the Center for Science and History of Science at BAS. In addition, in the newly created department, the Group on Sociology of Technology continues to exist.

The employees of the department carry out theoretical and empirical sociological and scientific research of a fundamental and applied nature.

The most important research fields in the work of the Department and the Group are:

  • Transformation of scientific rationality in the conditions of the globalizing society; paradigmatic changes in the sociological study of science and education; the epistemological turn of the era of “late modernity” and the evolution of the social order; the construction of a “knowledge society” and the changing relationship between science and the public in the new conditions;
  • Sociology of education, Bulgarian science and educational institutions in the process of our social modernization and our inclusion in the European Union; increasing social pressure for lifelong education; processes of integration of universal ethical standards in scientific policy;
  • Changing patterns of scientific creativity, self-identity and scientific specialization in the process of globalization;
  • Disciplinary construction of sociology, sociology of science, sociology and economics of technological innovation in socialist and post-socialist societies, science and technology policy and management of technical change; ethnographic studies of heterogeneous communities in science and technology;
  • A changing profile of social conflicts in the modern era and new strategies for overcoming the incompatibility of cognitive interpretations by opposing social actors;
  • Educational inequalities, effectiveness of public policies in guaranteeing access to quality education for individuals with different social backgrounds; the interdependence between social origin and gender, on the one hand, and educational, life and income chances, on the other;
  • Processes of production, dissemination and use (transfer) of scientific and technological results and transformation of organizations in the knowledge-based society;
  • Organization and management of science; – research and modelling of scientific development;
  • Evaluation of scientific research and organizations, including with scientometric methods;
  • Evolution of the scientific, educational and innovation systems and policies in relation to them;
  • Influence of modern trends of internationalization and globalization on scientific research, educational systems and innovation processes and their impact on the quality of work and life;
  • Human, material and informational resources of science and education.


Head of Department
Deputy Director
President of the General Assembly
Full-time PhD student
Full-time PhD student
Full-time PhD student
Full-time PhD student
Correspondence PhD student