The SOCIAL SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER (SSRC) is the host of the “Methods of Sociological Research and Public Opinion” section (MSRPO). In the spirit of the traditions of Bulgarian sociology, CESI successfully combines theoretical and applied activity in two main directions:

  • Conducting systematic, purposeful research activity for developing social survey methodology;
  • Preparing, organizing and conducting national and international large-scale social surveys.

The researchers in SSRC elaborate adapt and apply modern methodological approaches, techniques and procedures for social surveying. Surveys in various social spheres and specialized methodological surveys are organized and conducted with the methodological assistance of SSRC. The Center conducts varied counselling activity and provides methodological assistance to research teams conducting surveys in the framework of the Institute and beyond it. 


The SSRC is making systematic and sustained efforts to theoretically develop methodological, organizational and practical-applied problems of theoretical and empirical sociology. The thematic foci of the research work of the SSRC scholars are:

The cognitive potential of quantitative methods in sociology

The specificity and application of qualitative methods for gathering empirical information

Methodological prerequisites for ensuring the reliability of empirical information

The strategies and control actions for ensuring and verifying the reliability of the information collected in Empirical Social Surveys [ESS]

Methodological problems, approaches and solutions in factor relationships research and influence assessment

Electoral research: specificity and cognitive risks

Public opinion research: methodological features

Formation of public opinion and opportunities for its empirical study

Predictions in the study of public opinion: contemporary models and programming

Benchmarking in the ESS

Models for mathematical and statistical analysis of ESS information

The small samples in ESS

Adaptation and implementation of positive Bulgarian and foreign methodological experience in ESS

SSRC scientists carry out research projects within which solutions are sought to current methodological, organizational and technological problems related to the preparation and implementation of empirical social research.


SSRC prepares and conducts empirical research on significant social problems using modern quantitative and qualitative methods. Organizes and implements both national and international research. In this regard, it carries out all the necessary activities:

Organisation and control of ESS

Consultation, methodological assistance and supervision in the development of ESS programmes inside and outside the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Development of relevant research tools for empirical research

Maintaining a national inquiry network for the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. SSRC works with 28 supervisors from across the country and 120 interviewers. Special efforts are made to train and upgrade the qualifications of the polling staff

Organize fieldwork and exercise methodological control in the collection of primary sociological information

Statistical and mathematical analyses of empirical information (input and computer processing of primary data, analyses) for the needs of researchers inside and outside the Institute

SSRC is provided with highly qualified specialists who can perform the specified activities at a high professional level. Currently, one professor, two associate professors and two principal assistants work at CESI.

From 2021, SSRC is training a doctoral student on independent training – Mrs. Desislava Yaneva, who is developing the methodological possibilities for researching the labour force in Bulgaria; the possibilities for constructing a Labor Force Index in Bulgaria and its use for forecasting the demand and supply of labour in the Bulgarian labour market.


Head of Department
Deputy Director
Full-time PhD student
Independent doctoral student
Independent doctoral student