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Blagovesta Nikolova obtained her PhD in Political Philosophy in 2013 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has conducted her postdoctoral studies at the University of Namur, Belgium (2015–2017). She has been working and publishing in two thematic directions – the transformation of foresight under the burden of increasing uncertainty, and the prospects of ethical governance of new and emerging technologies. Those two considerations conflate in her monograph The RRI Challenge: Responsibilization in a State of Tension with Market Regulation (2019), and on the pages of prestigious journals such as Society, Journal of Futures Studies, Time & Society, Security Dialogue, European Journal of Futures Research. Since 2016 Dr. Nikolova has been acting as an ethics expert for the European Research Executive Agency in the evaluation of research projects within Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe framework programs.

Responsible Research and Innovation; Political Philosophy; Foresight

Nikolova, B. 2019. The RRI Challenge: Responsibilization in a State of Tension with Market Regulation. Innovation and Responsibility Set, Volume 3, ISTE & Wiley: London and Hoboken, 254p.; ISBN: 978-1-78630-142-0
Nikolova, B., Todorova, M. 2023. On Desired Remote Possibilities of the Future: Could Counterfactual Analysis Challenge Prognostic Reflexes? Journal of Futures Studies (in press); ISSN: 1027-6084
Nikolova, B. 2021. Sustaining Normative Horizons, Grappling with Elusive Effects: Governance and Sociality Under the Litmus Test of COVID-19. Society, Vol. 58, issue 1, pp. 60–65; ISSN: 1936-4725
Nikolova, B. 2021. The Science Fiction – Futures Studies Dialogue: Some Avenues for Further Exchange. Journal of Futures Studies, Vol. 25, issue 3, pp. 93–98; ISSN: 1027-6084
Nikolova, B. 2021. Тhe Emerging Global Institutional Discourse on the Future of Education: Narrowed Prognostic Horizons, Deeper Political Effects. Nota bene, vol.53; ISSN 1313-7859;

IPS-BAS internal project “New forms of inequality and the transformation of power mechanisms” (2012-2015): – “Gambling and social inequalities in the context of the transformation of power mechanisms”, individual report, 35 p. [In Bulgarian: “Хазарт и социални
неравенства в контекста на трансформация на властовите механизми”, 35c.]