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Social study of science and technologies, sociology of innovations and entrepreneurship, economy of technological change, science and technology policy

Tchalakov, I., Mileva, B. (2022). The War in Ukraine and European (dis)integration: possible axes of change, EASST Review 2022, 41 (1): 63–73.
Tchalakov, I., Mileva, B., Atanasov, D. (2021). Refraining from Vaccination in the Bulgarian Context: Mistrust in Medical Science or Mistrust in State Institution. Sociological Problems, special issue [Чалъков, И., Милева, Б., Атанасов, Д. (2021). Въздържането от ваксинация в българския контекст: недоверие в медицинската наука или недоверие в институциите на държавата?, Социологически проблеми, специален брой], 5–34.
Popravko, I. G., Tchalakov, I. (2020) From the Spaceship to the Nature Reserve: The Long Road of the Tungus Meteorite (Two Stories about Entrepreneurship and Persistence in Science) Siberian Historical Studies,1 [B. Поправко, И. Г., Чалаков, И. Х. (2020). От космического корабля до заповедника: долгий путь тунгусского метеорита (две истории о предпринимательстве и стойкости в науке), Сибирские исторические исследования, 1].
Tchalakov, I., Mitev, Т. (2019). Energy Dependence behind the Iron Curtain: The Bulgarian Experience, Energy Policy, Vol. 126: 47–56.
Tchalakov, I., Hristov, I. (2019). The Bulgarian Nuclear Sector in Transition: Adopted Russian Technology, State Sovereignty and Accession to the EU, Journal of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 32: 107–121.