Dimitrov, I., Two Faculties in Crusius and Kant, Philosophical Alternatives, 6/2022, pp. 7-17. (In Bulgarian)
Dimitrov, I., Kant’s concepts of Gegenstand, Objekt, and (some) thing (else) in the clash of lexicons. In: Vasseva-Dikova, J. (Ed.) “World and Cognition”, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2022, pp. 127-140 (In Bulgarian)
Dimitrov, I., Kantian Hesitations Around the Proper Philosophical Method. Philosophia, 4/2021, pp. 339-348. (In Bulgarian)
Dimitrov, I., Thinking again about the Critical path of metaphysics as a (non-)classical science and/or logic. In: Stefanov, A. (Ed.) “Non-classical Science. Science and Pseudoscience”, Paradigma, Sofia, 2021, pp. 49-63. (In Bulgarian)
Dimitrov, I., Brief Meta-Dictionary of Critical Metaphysics of Faculties. Forum Democrit, Sofia, 2018. (In Bulgarian)
Research project Critical Concepts of Metaphysics (Ontology and Epistemology Department, IPhS-BAS 2019 – 2022), Project Leader.
2007, Jun. 14-16, Sofia, International Conference Being and Knowledge in post-metaphysical context. Organiser: IPhR-BAS.
2006, Jun. 1-3, Varna, XXIV Varna International Philosophical School. Organiser: IPhR-BAS.