phone: +359 883 47 96 55

Ethnic inequalities;educational inequalities; social stratification

Katsarska, K. (2023). How Organizational Context Shapes Ethnic Preferences: The Case of Bulgarian Recruiters, Springer, accepted for publishing
Katsarska, K. (2019) Inequalities by Types of Work Contract among Young People of Bulgarian, Roma, and Turkish Ethnic Origin. Journal Philosophical Alternatives 1/2019. Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, BAS ISSN 0861-7899 [Кацарска, К. (2019). Неравенства според вида на трудовия договор при млади хора от български, ромски и турски етнически произход, сп. Философски алтернативи 1/2019; стр.137-157; Институт за изследване на обществата и знанието, БАН ISSN 0861-7899]
Katsarska, K., Monova, M. (2018) Mechanisms of exclusion and coping strategies in the professional realization of young Roma- Papers of BAS. Humanities and SocialSciences, Vol. 5, 2018, No 1, p. 89-103 ISSN 2367-6248