Spasova, L., Leone, C. Bencivenga, R. (2022). MILIEU H2020 Project ‘Women, Disability and
Inclusion’: Introducing the Project. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Gender
Research, Vol. 5 No. 1
Spasova, L. 2021. Effects of perceived origin on anti-migrant sentiments and acts of socially
induced hatred in Bulgaria. Социолошки преглед, 55/1, 106-129
Spasova, L., Mantarova, A., Smoczynski, R. 2020. Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of
Intensified Migration in Bulgaria: Moral Panic and Personal Relevance. International Journal of
Economics and Politics, ISSN: 2717-1485
Spasova, L. 2020. Attitudes and social distance towards refugees and immigrants after the “migrant
crisis”. Data from Bulgaria. DAKAM’s Humanities Studies Fall 2020 Conference Proceedings,
DAKAM, ISBN:978-605-9207-92-8
2021-2023 MILIEU: “Women, disabilities and inclusion. Scientific excellence in Bulgaria”, Horizon 2020, Project Coordinator and Head of the Bulgarian Team.
2021-2024 “HUMCORE: Humanitarian Corridors Integration Pathways”, AMIF, Head of the Bulgarian team.
2018-2020 “Women, totalitarianism and shaping our common Europe – GENDER REMEMBRANCE”, EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand1: European Remembrance. Head of the Bulgarian team.
2016-2018 “IMAGINE EUROPE – Incentives for Measuring and Assessing the Growing and Increasing Notion of Euroscepticism in Europe”, EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation, Head of the research team, expert – researcher.
2015-2018 “NEGOTIATE – Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe”, Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 6, H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014, YOUNG-1-2014, Research and Innovation Action (RIA). Expert – researcher.
2015-2018 “NEGOTIATE – Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe”, Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 6, H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014, YOUNG-1-2014, Research and Innovation Action (RIA). Expert – researcher.