administrative position:Scientific Secretary Doctoral Programmes
phone: +359 888 02 64 24

Deviance and social control studies, social movements studies, hate crime studies, gender studies

Spasova, L., Leone, C. Bencivenga, R. (2022). MILIEU H2020 Project ‘Women, Disability and
Inclusion’: Introducing the Project. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Gender
Research, Vol. 5 No. 1
Spasova, L. 2021. Effects of perceived origin on anti-migrant sentiments and acts of socially
induced hatred in Bulgaria. Социолошки преглед, 55/1, 106-129
Spasova, L., Mantarova, A., Smoczynski, R. 2020. Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of
Intensified Migration in Bulgaria: Moral Panic and Personal Relevance. International Journal of
Economics and Politics, ISSN: 2717-1485
Spasova, L. 2020. Attitudes and social distance towards refugees and immigrants after the “migrant
crisis”. Data from Bulgaria. DAKAM’s Humanities Studies Fall 2020 Conference Proceedings,
DAKAM, ISBN:978-605-9207-92-8

2021-2023 MILIEU: “Women, disabilities and inclusion. Scientific excellence in Bulgaria”, Horizon 2020, Project Coordinator and Head of the Bulgarian Team.
2021-2024 “HUMCORE: Humanitarian Corridors Integration Pathways”, AMIF, Head of the Bulgarian team.
2018-2020 “Women, totalitarianism and shaping our common Europe – GENDER REMEMBRANCE”, EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand1: European Remembrance. Head of the Bulgarian team.
2016-2018 “IMAGINE EUROPE – Incentives for Measuring and Assessing the Growing and Increasing Notion of Euroscepticism in Europe”, EUROPE FOR CITIZENS, Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation, Head of the research team, expert – researcher.
2015-2018 “NEGOTIATE – Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe”, Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 6, H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014, YOUNG-1-2014, Research and Innovation Action (RIA). Expert – researcher.
2015-2018 “NEGOTIATE – Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe”, Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 6, H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014, YOUNG-1-2014, Research and Innovation Action (RIA). Expert – researcher.