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Niya Neykova holds a PhD in Sociology and Cultural Anthropology from Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne, France, and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She is Senior Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and lecturer at the Department of History and Theory of Culture at Sofia University. Her main research interests are in the field of social imaginary, media and communications, youth cultures, and anthropology of love and intimacy.

Digital Cultures, Social Imaginary, Media and Communications, Youth cultures, Anthropology of Love and Intimacy

Neykova, N. (2022). Visualization of Spouses. Matchmaking and Expert Predestination Techniques. Seminar_BG, Special Issue 5.
Neykova, N. Koleva, S. (2022). Long Live YouTube! On the Way to Pop Culture Politics. Seminar_BG, 21. [Нейкова, Н., Колева, С. (2022). Да живее Ютюб! По пътя към поп-културната политика. Семинар_BG, 21].
Neykova, N. (2020). Valeurs, stratégies professionnelles et trajectoires biographiques dans le choix de formation en sciences humaines et sociales en Bulgarie post communiste, Psihologia Sociala, N46 (II) /2020, pp. 89–107.
Neykova, N. (2017). Outsourcing centers in Bulgaria: how to build dreams in the process of social declassing. Ethnologia Balkanica. In: Journal for Southeast European Anthropology, 20, pp.105–119.
Neykova, N. (2015). Mobile fantasies: Phone Imaginative and Youth Telecultures. Sofia: Media democracy foundation. [Нейкова, Н. (2015). Мобилни фантасмагории: телефонно въображаемо и младежки телекултури. София: Фондация за медийна демокрация].