phone: +359 883 23 46 63

epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, cognitive science, psychology

Minina, R. Subjective Justification – From Moral Philosophy to Epistemology, „Pathways to Knowledge“, University Press „Sofian University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, 2020 (in Bulgarian)
Minina, R. Subjective Justification And Distributed Cognitive „Nota Bene“, vol. 41, 2018 (in Bulgarian)
Minina, R. Subjective Justification in Ethics and Epistemology в „Philosophical alternatives“, vol. 4, 2018 (in Bulgarian)
Minina, R. The Distinction Between Internalism And Externalism In Objective And Subjective Justification In Epistemology в „Questioning Knowledge: At The fringes Of Reason, 2018 (in Bulgarian)
Minina, R. The Interanlism – Externalism Debate in Epistemology as a Problem of Subjective Justification in Knowledge aquision” „Nota Bena“, vol. 43, 2019 (in Bulgarian)