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Shaban Darakchi holds a Ph.D. degree in sociology from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His main professional interests are gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and religion in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. Dr. Darakchi is a researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and an affiliated scholar at the University of Antwerp. He has published one book and 24 articles exploring the intersections of gender and sexuality in Bulgaria. He is currently working on a project investigating the structure and development of non-heterosexual minorities and social movements in Bulgaria using narrative interviews and archives. Between 2019 and 2022 Shaban was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Gender, Sexuality, Social movements, Religion; Ethnicity

Darakchi, Shaban. 2022. Coming out to yourself: Reflections on early years sexual identity formation among different generations of Bulgarian non-heterosexual males. Sexuality & Culture. DOI:
Darakchi, Shaban. 2021. Bulgarian LGBTQI movement: Generations, identifications, and tendencies. Sexualities (JCR 1.532). DOI:
Darakchi, Shaban. 2019. “The Western feminists want to make us gay”: Nationalism, heteronormativity, and violence against Women in Bulgaria in times of “anti-gender campaigns”. Sexuality & Culture.
Darakchi, Shaban. 2019. Muslim Marriages: Intergenerational differences in the notions of marriage among the Bulgarian Pomaks. Marriage & Family Review.
Darakchi, Shaban. 2018. Emergence and development of LGBTQ studies in Bulgaria. Journal of Homosexuality.


Women, Disability, and Inclusion – Scientific Excellence in Bulgaria. 952369 MILIEU. 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024. Member of the research team. Financed by HORIZON 2020.

Shadow economy factor determination and approaches to limit it in the Bulgarian society. 2019-2022. Member of the research team. Financial support by The Research Fund (FNI), КП-06-Н3519.

„Радикализация във всекидневието: фактори и механизми за нормализация на радикалността и насилието сред младежи”. Финансиран от МОМН. 10.01.2017 – 31.06. 2019. Член на изследователски екип.

“Преход с изкуство и познание”. Фондация за равен достъп –ФАР. Финасиран от ЕЕА грантове. Член на изследователски екип. Янауари 2015 – януари 2016.

“Тежки форми на трудова експлоатация сред работници мигранти в Европейския съюз”. 01.09.2013 – 01.03.2014. Агенция за основни права към европейската комисия – експерт изследовател.