Stefan Markov completed his secondary education at the 7th high school in 1991, and afterwards obtained two master’s degrees from “St. Kliment Ohridski” university, specializing in “Cultural Studies” (Faculty of Philosophy) and “Public Relations” (Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication). Subsequently, he successfully completed his postgraduate studies at Aachen University (RWTH), earning a master’s degree in European Studies. His research focus during this period centered on European media policy and legislation, which served as the subject matter for his thesis. He pursued and successfully finished a doctoral program in the field of Public Relations at FJMC (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”), on a full-time basis from 2010 to 2013.
Stefan Markov has amassed extensive professional experience in the field of communication during his career, encompassing roles as a journalist, advertising and public relations expert, and social media consultant for several companies across diverse industries. Since the beginning of 2018, he has been working entirely in the scientific field – first as an assistant, and soon after as a chief assistant at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the BAS. From the academic year 2021-2022, he started teaching as a part-time lecturer in the specialty “Media Pedagogy” at the FESA at the SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, and in the fall of 2022 he won a competition for a permanent seat at the faculty.
His research interests lie within the domains of communications, media, internet studies, online disinformation, artificial intelligence, digital inequalities, and behavioral sciences. His expected monograph titled “Algorithms of Deception: False Information and Social Networks in the Post-Truth Era” is planned for publication in early 2024 by the Sofia University Publishing House. Stefan Markov presently offers lectures in ten disciplines related to communications, journalism, (social) media, and the Internet. Currently, he is in the process of creating a novel course titled “Algorithmic Literacy”.

Digital inequalities; online disinformation; behavior sciences; mass media and social media

Markov, S. (2021) How Psychology Can Help Solve the Fake News Problem. In: Media and Language. An electronic journal of scientific studies on media language. July 3, 2021 No. 10 [Fake reality] ISSN 2535-0587 [Марков, Ст. (2021). Как психологията може да помогне за решаването на проблема с фалшивите новини – В: Медии и език. Електронно списание за научни изследвания по медиен език [онлайн]. 3 юли 2021, № 10 [Фалшивата реалност]. ISSN 2535-0587. <>]
Markov, S. (2021) The Digital Divide: Implications for Bulgaria (Romania and Greece), Regions and the “Regional” in a Sociological Perspective, R. Jeleva (ed.), Publisher: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021, pp. 64-78, ISBN:978-619-245-106-6
Markov, S. (2021) The Crisis of Social Psychology through the Prism of a Scientific Scandal. [Марков, Ст. (2021). Кризата на социалната психология през призмата на един научен скандал]. In: [online], 30 September 2021 [cited 30 March 2023]. Available from:
Markov, S. (2020) Fake News and Social Networks: Why and How Is Disinformation Flourishing Online? [Марков, Ст. (2020). Фалшиви новини и социални мрежи – защо и как дезинформацията процъфтява онлайн]. In: [online]

“Digital divide and social inequalities: levels, actors and interactions”, financed by the National Institute for Scientific Research (KP-06-2155b16), 2021-2024.
“Algorithmic Literacy: Socio-Pedagogical Aspects” This study is financed by the European UnionNextGenerationEU, through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria, project SUMMIT BG-RRP-2.004-0008-C01, 2023-2024