PhD in Sociology and Associate Professor at the Public Policies and Social Changes Department of the IPS-BAS. Her research interests include public policy analysis, employment and unemployment, the transition from education to work, poverty and social exclusion, and green transition. Researcher in national projects funded by the National Research Fund; member of international consortia working on Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects. Member of the steering board of research networks under the COST programme on energy poverty, youth research and policy evaluation.

Labor market policies; school-to-work transition; poverty and inequalities; energy transition and justice

Krasteva, V. (2023). School-to-work transition in Bulgaria: smooth for some,
precarious for many. In: Buttler, D., Michon, P. & Lawrynowicz, M. (Eds.).
School-To-Work Transition in a Comparative Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Lawrynowicz, M., Sirovatka, T., Hora, O. & Krasteva, V. (2023). How the
interactions with employment services and other institutions affect school-to-work
transitions of young people? In: Buttler, D., Michon, P. & Lawrynowicz, M.
(Eds.). School-To-Work Transition in a Comparative Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Кръстева, В. (2022). Преход от училище към работа в България – ролята на
публичните политики. в: Желязкова, М и Кръстева, В. (съст.) Публични политики и социални промени. Трудният път към добро общество. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“. ISBN: 978-619-245-277-3.
Bertolini, S., Musumeci, R., Athanassiades, C., Flouli, A., Figgou, L., Deliyanni- Kouimtzi, Krasteva, V., Jeliazkova, M. & Minev, D. (2021). Is housing autonomy still a step towards adulthood in time of job insecurity? In: Unt, M., Gebel, M., Bertolini, S., Deliyanni-Koumitzi, V. & Hofäcker, D. (Eds.). Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: The Consequences of Labour Market Insecurity. Bristol: Policy Press, ISBN 978-144735872.

1. “SKILLS2CAPABILITIES: Matching Skills: Capabilities, Organisations and Institutions”, договор № 101094758, финансиран по програма Хоризонт Европа
2. „NEGOTIATE: Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe“, договор № 649395, финансиран по програма Хоризонт 2020
3. “EXCEPT: Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer“, договор № 649496, финансиран по програма Хоризонт 2020
4. „Обществен капацитет за справедлив зелен преход“, договор КП-06-Н55/13, финансиран от Фонд „Научни изследвания“
5. „Специфики на заетостта на младите хора в България”, договор № ДФНП-17-174, финансиран по програма за подпомагане на млади учени и докторанти на БАН