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April 12, 2024

Unlocking the innovative potential of the South Central Region of Bulgaria and in the agricultural sector

The main goal of AgroDigiRise is to develop the potential of the agricultural sector, SMEs and public sector from the South-Central Region (SCR) of Bulgaria by providing access to technical facilities and a range of services that will support their digital transformation.

This goal will be achieved trough the implementation of four objectives. Firstly, the development of a dynamic and sustainable innovative ecosystem and accelerating the interaction between key factors will addresses the issue of lack of sufficient information about the digital technologies and their benefits. The accomplishment of this objective includes: creating environment for mutual learning and space for cooperation, cross-sector collaboration through different formats and forums (events, exhibitions, workshops, seminars); awareness raising – through knowledge and information exchange; networking – activating joint actions at the local, national and international level in the EDIHs network. Secondly, providing access to innovative facilities and test before invest services are aimed to establish and expand a network of demo points with a focus on precision farming. This comes in response to the need of farmers and SMEs in the agri-food sector for easier access to technologies for remote monitoring, control and management in order to optimize production processes, reduce costs and resources, contribute to higher quantity and better-quality products, and support the competitiveness of producers. Thirdly, enhancing the competences and capabilities of SMEs and the agri-food sector via trainings in digital skills acquisition and development of digital competencies of farmers, SMEs, public administration via tailor-made (in terms of difficulty, subject matter and content) training programmes, which will be developed following the specific needs of the users. The training will be based on interactive and practically applicable methodologies (incl. innovative forms and formats as video lessons and tutorials) and additional educational materials and resources will be free to use via the built portal. Fourthly, providing support of the digital and business transformation with consultancy and financial advice services. This will include the development of digital maturity in the agricultural sector via technological audits, assessments, consultation processes, digitalization and business plans, market analyses, etc.

AgroDigiRise is funded by the EU programme ,,Digital Europe“ under the call  DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01 — European Digital Innovation Hubs. The project is coordinated by the Institute for Agrostrategies and Innovations for the period November 2022 – October 2025.

The IPS team is presented by Svetla Stoeva, PhD and Dona Pickard, PhD


Svetla Stoeva, IPS team leader:

Project website:


Infrastructures for the next generation in Europe. The four-year project will refocus and adapt existing research services to support the five themes of the NextGenerationEU programme.


Network of Eurofound Correspondents – Bulgaria
(Contract NO.: 22-3030-03; Project NO.: 211001)


The BroadVoice project aims to explore the role of workers’ representatives and industrial relations (collective bargaining, co-determination, consultation) in the promotion, regulation and implementation of innovations.