Challenges for Organising and Collective Bargaining in Care, Administration and Waste Management sectors in Central Eastern European Countries
The CEECAW Collective Bargaining Boost Workshop was held in Sofia on February 4.
The CEECAW Collective Bargaining Boost Workshop was held in Sofia on February 4.
Congratulations to Dr. Mira Dobreva, who successfully defended her PhD thesis “Women’s work in digital platforms: the case of Etsy”
Cambridge Scholars Publishing has reissued “Education from a Whiteheadian Point of View: Process, Rhythm, and Poiesis” and “Education and Learning in a World of Accelerated Knowledge Growth”
Open lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Grozdanov on 27 November 2024 (Wednesday) in the Meeting Hall of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – BAS (6 Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd.) at 10:30.
A new open-access book from Ch. Assistant Professor Dr Raya Apostolova
New article by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, Prof. DSc. Pepka Boyadjieva and PhD. student Ralitsa Dimitrova (IFS-BAS) in the prestigious European Journal of Higher Education
New book edited by Associate Professor Dr. Kiril Kartaloff was published in the prestigious international publishing house Edizioni Studium
From 02-05 June 2024 the jubilee conference “Philosophy Nowadays: Philosophical Approaches on Cultural Heritage, Resilient Communities and Future Times” occurred. The edition was specially due to celebrate 50 years of organizing and holding the first International Conference on Philosophy.
New research by Svetlomir Zdravkov, Mira Dobreva, and Vasil Kirov showed the evolution of users of the ETSY platform for selling crafts and art in Southeast Europe.
New article by asst. Dr. Elitsa Stanoeva in the prestigious Contemporary European History journal of Cambridge University Press
A new article by Dr. Teodora Karamelska (IPS-BAS) and Dr. Galina Goncharova (SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”) in the journal Comparative Southeast European Studies.
A new article was published in MDPI/Societies by Prof. MSc. Pepka Boyadjieva (IPS-BAS), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaloyan Haralampiev (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova (IPS-BAS)