

May 9, 2024

Understanding how skill systems need to develop if they are to assist people to make successful labour market transitions

Skills2Capability, a Horizon Europe study, is about understanding how skill systems need to develop if they are to assist people in making labour market transitions  –  i.e. between jobs,  employers or sectors  –  and thereby reduce the level of skill mismatch which might otherwise arise. The study is about the capabilities individuals will increasingly need to acquire if they are to effectively manage labour market transitions.

From the demand side, the study addresses the skills and capabilities in demand now and in the future. From the supply side, it addresses how the capabilities of interest are reflected in vocational education and training. The research will provide decision-makers in government and education with a better understanding of the capabilities that skills systems will need to supply in the future.

The study is funded from 2021 to 2024 and is comprised of a range of inter-related projects grouped under four thematic pillars:

  • Rethinking Models of Effective Skills Supply (Improving the effectiveness of skills and lifelong learning policies and enhancing the responsiveness, proactiveness and resilience of VET and AL systems)
  • Emerging Patterns of Skills Demand and Associated Mismatches
  • Institutional Responses (to emerging patterns of skill demand and mismatches)
  • Lessons for policy and practice: Understanding pathways to developing and enhancing VET systems of support


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Network of Eurofound Correspondents – Bulgaria
(Contract NO.: 22-3030-03; Project NO.: 211001)


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