Ludmila Ivancheva is DSc in Sociology and Professor at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – BAS. She is with an engineering education from Technical University – Sofia, and later received a PhD in Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She has worked as an expert at CISTI and Ministry of Environment and Waters. In 1995 she was a fellow of University of Minnesota (USA) in New Information Technologies and Information Management. She has over 120 research publications in Bulgarian and international journals. L. Ivancheva is author of five monographs. Her main research interests and achievements are in the field of Science and Technology Studies, Philosophy of Science, Scientometrics and Science and Innovation Policy. She has participated in numerous international research projects and conferences. She has been a member of Governing Council of BAS and Vice-Chair of the Commission on Social Sciences at National Research Fund (two terms). She is a member of the editorial board of several international journals. She works as an External expert for Research Executive Agency, EC in Brussels.

Science and technology studies; science and society; science and innovation policy; scientometrics; research evaluation; applied ethics; methodology and philosophy of science; scientific communications.

The phenomenon technoscience. Social, ethical and philosophical rationalization. Sofia: Technical University Publishing House, 219 p., 2021.
Forecasting research and technoscience: Contemporary Status, Specifics and prospects. Socio-Economic Analyses, 2021. Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 160-168. DOI: 10.54664/MNWG3907
Scientometric Approach as a Tool for Objectifying the Evaluation in Research: Development, Opportunities and Modern trends. Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, 2020, Vol. 28 № 2, p. 119-135.